Idris Sardi

Indonesia Famous

Idris Sardi

Idris Sardi (born in Batavia, Dutch East Indies (now Jakarta), June 7, 1938) is a violinist who is very talented and amazing, to date in Indonesia, yet one can match it. He was the son of violinist Studio Orchestra RRI Jakarta, Bp. Sardi.
At the age of six years, first learned about the violin. At the age of ten years he has received warm applause at the first appearance in Yogyakarta in 1949. May be regarded as a child prodigy to fiddle in Indonesia, because at a young age was already nimble playing violin (like Mozart in Europe in the composition).
1952 School of Music Indonesia (SMIND) is opened, the requirements to receive graduate school or equivalent. In 1952, Idris Sardi 14 years old, so he has not graduated from high school, but because the game is amazing he could be accepted as such SMIND students. Together with his friend who was also a violinist, Suyono (deceased), but not a child prodigy, two years older are two very talented students SMIND.
In the orchestra leader slswa SMIND Varvolomejeff Nicolai, 1952 Indris who still wore shorts in the day's sitting as a concert master at the age of 14 years, sat side by side with Suyono. Average SMIND students aged over 16 years.
Idris time violin teacher in Yogyakarta (1952-1954) was George Setet, while in Jakarta at the time (after 1954) is Henri Tordasi. Both teachers have been educating people is a lot of Hungarian violinist in Indonesia (the Hungarians were leading violinist).
When M. Sardi died, in 1953, Idris, in the age of 16 years should replace his father as the first violinist of the orchestra leader RRI Jakarta Studio Saiful Bahri. In the '60s, Idris switch from violin music world seriously, idolisme Heifetz, Helmut Zackarias to commercialization. Had Idris Sardi studied classical Jascha Heifetz or continue with the Jewish Menuhin, then he will become a world-class violinist Heifetz and level with Mehuhin. However, although she has never learned the violin at abroad, he remained on par with Zacharias. Indonesian who studied with Haifetz is Ayke (Liem) Nursalim, who is now in the U.S., and an Indonesian woman who respected violinist (first at age 4 tahun/1955 in Yogyakarta have played in the orchestra, but not a child prodigy like Idris Sardi)

Idris Sardi, Indonesian Famous People
Idris Sardi Idris Sardi Reviewed by Fiedri Dasril on 4:06 AM Rating: 5

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