Andrie Wongso the motivator

Indonesia Famous

Andrie Wongso

Who does not know the figure Andrie Wongso, the number one motivator in Indonesia?

Andrie Wongso a successful road is not a simple story told in an instant. Born with all the limitations it did not make Andrie Wongso surrender. The limitation was not a stumbling block, it was a steppingstone to get up and walk towards a better life.

Born in the cool city of Malang, Andrie Wongso live in a small financial limitations. The age of 22 years moved to Jakarta as it gets a job as a salesman in a soap company. This sales job gave him enough time vacancy, which filled with practicing kung fu. Kungfu is not just martial arts, but also contains the values of discipline, responsibility, commitment, struggle and willpower. This noble values increasingly shape the identity of Andrie Wongso. In addition, parents Andrie toughness in the face of poverty also plays a major role in shaping the character himself.

When Hong Kong kung fu films made in the booming '70s, the hearts of young Andrie intrigued want to become a movie star. To reach this goal, the year 1978 Andrie stopped working and started to send my application to film companies in Hong Kong. But for three months not a single film company that called it. Those times are tough times for young Andrie. He suffered tremendous mental pressure. The pressure of living they experienced did not stop there. At the same time, one of her parents died. Not an easy thing for us to imagine, let alone face the anguish suffered by Andrie Wongso. Young Andrie back to Malang. In 1979 returned to Jakarta to try his luck. This time Andrie to appear as a clerk serving only buyers but could not get into the store, aka half-coolie.

To fill in spare time, Andrie an increasingly young adults to establish a college called Hap Kun Do martial arts movies. Until the end of the income from practicing kung fu is greater than the salary earned as a shop assistant. Here again appears the dream of becoming a movie star. Andrie then quit his job and practicing martial arts intensively for two weeks, then send the photo and letter of application to Hong Kong. Ordinary people to borrow a phrase, the goddess Fortuna was still not on his side. Three months of living with no income is not an easy thing to pass, so he tried to motivate yourself. Three months later, the fruit of good karma to her. During three years later the young Andrie successfully fulfill his dream became a movie star in Taiwan, though not as a main actor.

After three years of profession as a movie star, Andrie back to Indonesia and started his path as an entrepreneur greeting card maker. Harvest was born in 1985. At first the business did not walk easily, various kinds of rejection and obstacles are always approached. Starting from card sales in the circumference of a boarding room, running a successful business. Until now, the Harvest has had several companies companion. Andrie Wongso arguably since the 80s has become a motivator for the Harvest products contain originally in the form of greeting cards that motivated then evolved into other innovative products. Year 1992 is the momentum for Andrie Wongso to jump in total in the area of motivation of the 'enlightenment' acquired after studying Buddhism in more depth.

In the field of motivation training, Andrie initiated a philosophical thought and Wisdom Motivation Training Action derived from Buddhist teachings, namely the law of the mind, the law of change and the law of cause and effect. Andrie Wongso famous philosophy is "Success is My Right" which was born six years ago. Andrie Wongso training provided is not limited to the Buddhist circles, but has penetrated into all layers of both universities, state enterprises, private companies, athletes and others.

Andrie Wongso, motivator, indonesian famous people
Andrie Wongso the motivator Andrie Wongso the motivator Reviewed by Fiedri Dasril on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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